Assessment & Discovery

Assessment & Discovery Services

  • GDPR Compliance & Privacy Impact Assessment
  • Identify existing policies, procedures and other accountability mechanisms that are already providing rules and guidelines for processing personal data in your organization that may be leveraged and enhanced for GDPR compliance
  • Provide recommendation and High level roadmap for achieving Compliance
PII Data Discovery (Process & Technologies)
  • Help you to discover PII across your enterprise and processes governing the usage and management of the PII data
PII Data Protection Control Assessment
  • Understand whole personal data eco-system across your enterprise to support
  • Track the key metrics that reveal your level of compliance with data protection regulations and laws, including GDPR
PII Data/Process Modelling & Visualization
  • HappiestMinds leverages TrustHub Privacy Lens for modeling & visualizing your PII data & processes.
  • Helps you pin-point your issues and highlights process gaps w.r.t. compliance.


Inability to comply with GDPR can result in serious implications that include fines between Euro 10 Million to Euro 20 Million or 4% of the global annual sales. . Besides the penalty, just imagine the impact on your brand, image and reputation.

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